Sleep With Itchy Littles
If you’ve come across this blog, you probably know all too well the sleepless, bloody, itchy nights with your eczema baby! It won’t be like this forever your little one is so beyond lucky to have you help them through the night!
How to make sleep comfortable l for your little one with eczema
our journey started with our oldest who is 2 and has continued with our youngest that is 8 months. This has all been trial and error. At the being of our journey, our oldest would wake around every 30mins -60 mins itchy in pain. Flair-ups can bring us back to those nights but most nights we get one or two wakes with itches! We didn’t have one smoking gun that was causing the boy’s eczema it seems to be a combination of things that has overall helped this is how we’ve navigated sleep.
Co-sleeping / Room sharing
I know this inst for everyone and that’s okay. it’s what has felt most natural and safe to us. As our oldest has hit two we put a twin-floor bed in our master room. He sleeps some nights in there and some nights in bed with us. He still has so close I can help him through the night if he wakes itchy. Bed/room sharing allows me to comfort them and apply moisturizer as needed get ice packs and even put on a movie till the worst of it has passed one of the many reasons why I love co-sleeping
Bamboo sheets
I think getting ready for any synthetic blends is a big game-changer. Bamboo sheets keep it cool and are so soft on the skin! We do sleep with an all-cotton dove on top.
I would sleep with our oldest on his floor bed in his room and he always seemed to have less itchy nights than in our room. We had a purple mattress at the time. It’s hard to say for sure what he was allergic to. It could have been the mattress was just old, the plastics, or the fact that I had an oversupply of milk at the beginning of breastfeeding and he had led into the bed creating mold. But as soon as we switched mattresses he seemed less bothered.
Itch Gloves
This is number one! My babies are itchy even on the best days I can link below what we love. The best seems to be the cotton sleeves with silk around the hands. Cotton mittens are okay but even with them on the boys break open their skin and rub off the top layer of skin, leaving their skin ooze and raw. They can defiantly get the skin open still with the silk but it’s so much harder.
We keep the house cold and run a fan in our room. Keeping the room cold helps with the heat eczema can bring to the skin. Running an air purifier can help with air quality.
we had our house tested for mold nothing came up unusual, but worth the mention of you feel mold may a role for you.
Cotton clothes
The same idea as the sheets, cotton, or bamboo clothes is softer and irritating!
A good layer of moisture before bedtime and one close by to apply through the night if they get itchy! My homemade tallow has been the best thing so far!